Thank you for your interest in Mental Health Counselors of Central Florida (MHCCF). MHCCF offers many programs and services. We are an organization with various partnerships between the local, state, and national community, psychotherapists, counselors, educators, interns, and students. We are dedicated to enhancing the professional competency of mental health counseling through service, advocacy, education, licensing, and professional development while strengthening the role of mental health in our community.
Our partnerships consist of hospitals, agencies, physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health therapists, marriage and family therapists, clinical social workers, students, and universities, to name a few.
More than 96,000 professional counselors are licensed or certified for independent practice in the United States. In Orange County alone there are over 2,000 licensed mental health therapists. We strive to incorporate all members in enhancing and maintaining mental health in our community.
Become a vital part of our mental health professional community. Your membership includes:
The opportunity to complete CEUs for licensure through participation at in-person and/or virtual events (1 CEU for every general event attended). We currently offer 10 monthly events per calendar year (breaks during July and December), now with the added available option of participation in numerous previously recorded on-demand webinars (virtual events started in April of 2020). MHCCF also offers additional CEUs at discounted rates through our special educational events (such as the Licensure Renewal courses).
Connect with other mental health professionals in Central Florida at our Annual New Year Breakfast & Awards Ceremony, and our annual Member Appreciation Social.
Up to 5 hours of community service with a central Florida organization whose mission addresses mental health.
Access to, and a professional profile in, our exclusive member directory. In your profile you can list and promote your specialties, your practice and yourself as a speaker so other members can recommend you for speaking engagements.
Membership Tiers