BULLY PROOF: Empower Clients with the Neurochemical of Connection, Reward, and Comedy to Disarm Offensive, Controlling Remarks

  • Friday, March 17, 2023
  • 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Virtual Modality


  • If you are a current Bachelors or Masters-level student, and a member of MHCCF, you may register for this educational training under this category. MHCCF Student membership DOES NOT apply to Doctoral students who have completed their Masters degrees. Students are not applicable to receive CEUs, and if you are seeking CEU credit, you must update your membership-level to the appropriate status prior to registering for a MHCCF training. Thank you!

Program Information: 

Title: "BULLY PROOF: Empower Clients with the Neurochemical of Connection, Reward, and Comedy to Disarm Offensive, Controlling Remarks"

Presenter: Kate Cohen-Posey, MS LMHC LMFT

Date: March 17, 2023

Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am

(Announcements, networking) 9:00 - 9:30 am

(Presentation) 9:30 - 10:30 am

Event: Virtual Modality

* Your Zoom Link will be sent out at

8:30 am on the day of the event." *

Presentation Summary:

This program teaches four ways to disarm random verbal attacks. Socratic questions will explore how families can become cradles of cruelty that devolve into dysfunctional reactivity. Participants will formulate replies that reduce tension with Active listening, Affirming words, Asking questions, and Hints or Humor (AAAH). The brain science of each AAAH response will be clarified through Q&A. Finally, attendees will practice making calming comebacks to common hostile verbiage that clients are likely to encounter. These advanced communication skills protect gains clients make in managing anxiety, mood disorder, traumatic reactions, and other presenting problems.

Learning Objectives:

Participants of this training will be able to:

  1. Formulate responses that slow down or stop offensive controlling remarks.
  2. Explain the how oxytocin, dopamine, endorphins, and acetylcholine make these strategies effective.
  3. Analyze how teaching unexpected replies is a necessity in the therapy setting.

Speaker Bio:  

Kate Cohen-Posey, LMHC LMFT has more than 40 years of clinical experience and is currently an associate clinician at LifeStance behavioral Health. Dealing with Bullies on the playground, in families, and in work settings has been her passion since the 1980s. Her latest book on this topic, Bully Proof, Teaching Clients to Empower Themselves without Overpowering Others, is available from Professional Resource Press, including 6 CEs. She is the creator of two psychotherapy tools: The Handy Brain Model and Brain Change Cards. Her popular workshops and seminars include Brain Switch offered through PESI for 2 CEs.

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