Demystifying TMS: A Powerful, Holistic Resource for Patients who Need a Jump Start

  • Friday, February 16, 2024
  • 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Zoom


  • If you are a current Bachelors or Masters-level student, and a member of MHCCF, you may register for this educational training under this category. MHCCF Student membership DOES NOT apply to Doctoral students who have completed their Masters degrees. Students are not applicable to receive CEUs, and if you are seeking CEU credit, you must update your membership-level to the appropriate status prior to registering for a MHCCF training. Thank you!

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Program Information: 

Title: "Demystifying TMS: A Powerful, Holistic Resource for Patients who Need a Jump Start"

Presenter: Tyler Reed, Outreach Coordinator

Date: February 16, 2024

Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am

(Announcements, networking) 9:00 - 9:30 am

(Presentation) 9:30 - 10:30 am

Event Location/Modality: Virtual via Zoom

Presentation Summary:  

Tyler will describe Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) as a modality, describe the full process from start to finish, and highlight individuals most commonly seeking and benefiting from the service. He will talk about how he walks patients through the experience of treatment and will describe how they can utilize TMS while continuing their care with their primary therapist and why this is actually essential to their success. He will touch briefly on studies and the research being done concerning TMS.

Finally, Tyler will answer questions and fill in any gaps of understanding that practitioners may have about why this service can be of use to them.

Learning Objectives:

1.Participants of this training will be able to define TMS therapy as a modality

2. Participants of this training will be able to identify which patients make good candidates for TMS therapy. 

3. Participants of this training will learn how TMS fits into the array of resources available to them as practitioners and their patients and the key differences between pharmaceuticals, ECT, and other comparable methods.

4. Participants will be able to offer their patients a holistic alternative to medications for those who cannot tolerate them or do not want to be on them.

Speaker Bio: 

Tyler Reed, Outreach Coordinator has held positions in the mental health space over the last 14 years. His initial experience was in alcoholism and addiction treatment. Last year Tyler transitioned into a holistic psychiatric practice in Orlando called the Healing House. There he has had the opportunity to work as an outreach coordinator, making others in the community aware of the resources available at the Healing House. He has also treated patients as a technician, and spent countless hours on the phone with individuals and their families who have been seeking help. Tyler loves his work and being able to help those in need. 

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